Fiber Arts Competition Entry Rules
General Rules:
❖ All entries must be one-of-a kind, crafted by the exhibitor.
❖ All entries must consist of at least 50% alpaca fiber.
❖ All entries must be dropped off at the show on Thursday April 4, 2024 or
mailed/postmarked to the coordinators by March 23, 2024.
❖ Entry fees are $10 per entry. Fee must accompany the entry or be mailed to a
coordinator ahead of time.
❖ Entry Forms and Entry Tags (if you have tags) must be submitted for each entry
by 23 March 2024. It may be emailed or sent in the US mail to the coordinators.
No exceptions.
❖ A Description Tag is required for each entry. Description tags can provide
construction details and is not limited to fiber preparation, fiber content,
techniques used, and intended use. Please tell your story. Written descriptions
shall not exceed a 3” x 5” card size and must NOT contain identifying
information, including but not limited to alpaca name, individual name, or farm
name. Missing description tags or those containing identifying information will
have judging points deducted.
❖ Please place your entry, description tag, and entry tag (if you have one) in a
clear gallon-size zipper-type bag. You may use a larger one if needed.
❖ No entry substitutions once entered.
❖ Submission Maximum per artisan is 1 per division/category/group/class.
Coordinator Contact Info:
Tacy Kessler
3684 Cheltenham Rd.
York, PA 17402
[email protected]
Priscilla Scheivert
4320 Devonshire Dr.
Dover, PA 17315
[email protected]
Entry Returns: You or someone that you designate may pick up your entry at the
show after 12 pm on Sunday April 7, 2024.
Mailed back entries must include a return address and $10.00 shipping cost.
Entry Tag: Entry tags come from the online registration system. If you are not
using the online registration system, the contest coordinators will create one for
you. Information for the Entry Tag will be pulled from your Entry Form, so be
Judging Criteria: See the 2020 AOA Show System Handbook, Part VI, Chapter 23
for details.F
Security Policy: Every effort will be made to provide a secure environment.
PAOBA cannot be held responsible for individual items displayed. There is building
security and the Fiber Arts display will be covered each night. Submission of an
entry indicates agreement with these terms.
Fiber Arts Classification Details
1) Accessories: Gloves, hats, socks, slippers, purses and other small wearable
items such as jewelry.
2) Accessories: Scarves and shawls.
3) Garments: Sweaters, jackets, dresses, vests or complete outfits.
4) Hearth & Home: Art, toys, pictures, figurines, etc.
5) Hearth & Home: Home décor such as rugs, pillows, Afghans, wall hangings,
containers, etc.
1) 100% Handwork - 100% handspun yarns with 100% handmade construction
and/or 100% hand felted (may use commercially prepared roving)
2) Partial or Non-Handwork – use of commercially spun yarn and/or machine
knitted, woven, or felted construction.
1) Beginner/Junior; working in Fiber Arts < 2 years & age 18 or younger.
2) Beginner/Adult; working in Fiber Arts < 2 years and over age 18.
3) Intermediate; working in Fiber Arts > 2 years and < 5 years.
4) Advanced; working in Fiber Arts > 5 years.
General Rules:
❖ All entries must be one-of-a kind, crafted by the exhibitor.
❖ All entries must consist of at least 50% alpaca fiber.
❖ All entries must be dropped off at the show on Thursday April 4, 2024 or
mailed/postmarked to the coordinators by March 23, 2024.
❖ Entry fees are $10 per entry. Fee must accompany the entry or be mailed to a
coordinator ahead of time.
❖ Entry Forms and Entry Tags (if you have tags) must be submitted for each entry
by 23 March 2024. It may be emailed or sent in the US mail to the coordinators.
No exceptions.
❖ A Description Tag is required for each entry. Description tags can provide
construction details and is not limited to fiber preparation, fiber content,
techniques used, and intended use. Please tell your story. Written descriptions
shall not exceed a 3” x 5” card size and must NOT contain identifying
information, including but not limited to alpaca name, individual name, or farm
name. Missing description tags or those containing identifying information will
have judging points deducted.
❖ Please place your entry, description tag, and entry tag (if you have one) in a
clear gallon-size zipper-type bag. You may use a larger one if needed.
❖ No entry substitutions once entered.
❖ Submission Maximum per artisan is 1 per division/category/group/class.
Coordinator Contact Info:
Tacy Kessler
3684 Cheltenham Rd.
York, PA 17402
[email protected]
Priscilla Scheivert
4320 Devonshire Dr.
Dover, PA 17315
[email protected]
Entry Returns: You or someone that you designate may pick up your entry at the
show after 12 pm on Sunday April 7, 2024.
Mailed back entries must include a return address and $10.00 shipping cost.
Entry Tag: Entry tags come from the online registration system. If you are not
using the online registration system, the contest coordinators will create one for
you. Information for the Entry Tag will be pulled from your Entry Form, so be
Judging Criteria: See the 2020 AOA Show System Handbook, Part VI, Chapter 23
for details.F
Security Policy: Every effort will be made to provide a secure environment.
PAOBA cannot be held responsible for individual items displayed. There is building
security and the Fiber Arts display will be covered each night. Submission of an
entry indicates agreement with these terms.
Fiber Arts Classification Details
1) Accessories: Gloves, hats, socks, slippers, purses and other small wearable
items such as jewelry.
2) Accessories: Scarves and shawls.
3) Garments: Sweaters, jackets, dresses, vests or complete outfits.
4) Hearth & Home: Art, toys, pictures, figurines, etc.
5) Hearth & Home: Home décor such as rugs, pillows, Afghans, wall hangings,
containers, etc.
1) 100% Handwork - 100% handspun yarns with 100% handmade construction
and/or 100% hand felted (may use commercially prepared roving)
2) Partial or Non-Handwork – use of commercially spun yarn and/or machine
knitted, woven, or felted construction.
1) Beginner/Junior; working in Fiber Arts < 2 years & age 18 or younger.
2) Beginner/Adult; working in Fiber Arts < 2 years and over age 18.
3) Intermediate; working in Fiber Arts > 2 years and < 5 years.
4) Advanced; working in Fiber Arts > 5 years.